Smoke, chemicals and other allergens are often at an all-time high in the air at manufacturing plants or commercial facilities. Having air quality control systems in place that you can trust is crucial for health and compliance with regulations.

For industrial businesses or manufacturers, especially those that deal with chemicals or high-tech machinery that can release harmful chemicals into the air, you can ensure that the health of your workforce is not at risk by having proper ventilation and air quality systems that are in place to offer clean, fresh air.

What Is Sick Building Syndrome?

Sick Building Syndrome (SBS) is a term that is used when occupants of a building begin to have health problems that are associated with time spent in the building, and when there is no other cause that is found.

The condition is often caused by poor ventilation. It may also be caused by flaws in the HVAC system that reduces fresh air intake and instead allows harmful contaminants to seep into the air.

People that are experiencing symptoms of SBS may have headaches, dizziness, aches and pains, nausea, poor concentration, nose, skin, eye, or throat irritation or fatigue. If your workforce is experiencing these types of symptoms, it’s important to have the air system checked out in detail. It the air is not clean, you’ll need to upgrade the air quality control systems in your facility.

Today’s emission regulations in the U.S. are strict. For more than 50 years, Storee Construction has focused on providing quality air control systems for industrial clients throughout the Midwest.

Our experienced team of professionals includes indoor air quality experts and regulatory compliance specialists.

Contact us to learn how we can upgrade your facility.

Whether you own a factory, warehouse or food-production facility, we can help you upgrade your ventilation. Learn more about our company.

Air Quality Control Systems for Commercial Facilities

We’re an industrial construction contractor serving businesses in Missouri, Kansas, Arkansas, Oklahoma and throughout the Midwest.

Here are some of the services Storee Construction offers:

  • High quality and cost-effective equipment that is tailored to each client’s needs.
  • Calculated indoor air quality systems design and engineering that includes construction, operations and maintenance.
  • Highly filtered air zones within each processing plant.
  • Direct emergency access to your project manager on a 24/7 basis.
  • Specialized audits to make sure your air quality control systems are being used in the most efficient way.

If you need help meeting your emission control objectives, Storee Construction can provide custom air quality control recommendations and upgrades that may help reduce your overall operating costs, maximize productivity of your workforce and improve the quality of air that you and your team breath.

Request a free priority assessment here.